
Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

Shannon College of Hotel Management is a Recognised College of the National University of Ireland offering Degrees in International Hotel Management. Since 2015 it is fully incorporated into the NUI Galway. The College was founded in 1951 by Dr. Brendan O'Regan and is based in Shannon Airport, County Clare. It was set up with considerable input from Aer Rianta. Graduates are also recognised by the Institute of Hospitality (IoH), the International Hotel and Restaurant Association and the Irish Hospitality Institute. Work placement is a significant part of their Hotel Management Degree course.

As well as the two degree programmes (BBS in International Hotel Management and BComm with NUI Diploma in International Hotel Management), the college offers an English language programme.

From 1951 until 1991 the college offered a Diploma in Hotel Management. In 1991 the college began a relationship with University College Galway which saw Shannon offer the BComm in Hotel Management. In 1993 the Diploma was validated by NCEA (forerunner of HETAC). In 2000 the college became a recognised college of the National University of Ireland.

In 1991, the process of integrating the College into NUI Galway was first mooted in 1991. It commenced in 2004 and developed greater urgency since Shannon Airport was made independent of Aer Rianta and Dublin Airport. From 2009 Shannon was involved in a strategic alliance with NUIG and since 2015 is fully incorporated into the University. Shannon College of Hotel Management is now part of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law in NUI Galway. This integration was formally marked by the Minister for Education Jan O'Sullivan TD at an event held in Shannon College on November 9, 2015. All staff of Shannon College of Hotel Management are now staff of NUI Galway and all students of Shannon College of Hotel Management are students of NUI Galway.

Students of the BComm (and NUI Diploma in International Hotel Management) spend three years at the Shannon College of Hotel Management and the fourth year at NUI Galway.

Since 2010 Graduates of the BBS degree programme are entitled to exemptions for ACCA accountancy exams.

April 2012 saw Shannon College of Hotel Management Students Win the Irish Hospitality Institute Business Management Games

Graduation takes place each year in Spring.

Notable alumni

  • Louise O'Sullivan (born 1973), founder and CEO, Anam Technologies


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