Epic Rap Battles of History is a YouTube series created by Peter "Nice Peter" Shukoff and Lloyd "EpicLLOYD" Ahlquist. The first episode of the series "John Lennon vs. Bill O'Reilly" was released on September 26, 2010. All Season 1 episodes were uploaded to Shukoff's personal YouTube channel, Nice Peter. Following the show's popularity and success, Ahlquist and Shukoff partnered with Maker Studios, and created two channels devoted to the series. ERB hosts the finished episodes, and ERB2 features behind-the-scenes footage.
As of March 2017, it is the 34th most subscribed channel on YouTube with over 14.1 million subscribers and over 3.3 billion total views. As of January 9, 2017, a total of 70 episodes have been released.
Series overview
Capitalization and punctuation irregularities in titles as posted to YouTube have been normalized in the following lists.
Season 1 (2010â"2011)
All first season videos were uploaded onto Shukoff's channel, Nice Peter.
Season 2 (2011â"2013)
From the second season onwards, the battles were moved to their own YouTube channel, ERB.
Season 3 (2013â"2014)
Season 4 (2014â"2015)
Bonus Battle (2015)
Season 5 (2016â"2017)
See also
- Epic Rap Battles of History discography