
Rabu, 28 Juni 2017

The Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition is a research organisation owned by Mars, Incorporated located at Waltham on the Wolds, Leicestershire, United Kingdom. Waltham conducts scientific research into pet care and nutrition, and works with a number of animal breeds including dogs, cats, birds, fish and horses.


source : www.thecatstore.co.uk

The Pet Food subsidiary of Mars, Incorporated (Mars Petcare) began research into pet nutrition in the early 1950s, formally founding a Nutrition Research Unit in 1965. Originally the institute was housed at a nearby location but was moved to an old stud farm at Waltham-on-the-Wolds in 1973.

Since 2001, a non-charitable organisation called the Waltham Foundation has funded a number of humane scientific research projects dedicated to furthering the health and nutrition of companion animals.


source : www.researchgate.net

  • In July 2005, in collaboration with the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Pennsylvania, Waltham discovered that cats cannot taste sweet food because they have a faulty gene. Lions, tigers, leopards and pumas (Felidae family) have the same defective gene.
  • In April 2007, in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute of Bethesda, Maryland, Waltham found that the genetic variation of dogs' size is due to mutations in the IGF-1 gene. This was discovered through research on the Portuguese Water Dog. This research was preparatory work for similar studies on the human genome.
  • In August 2011, with work with the University of Aberdeen they found that cats gained less weight when fed a moisture-enhanced diet.


source : www.thecatstore.co.uk

  • Waltham originally published the magazine Waltham Focus four times a year. This has since been renamed as Veterinary Focus and is distributed in more than fifty countries and is published in several languages.
  • The Waltham Book of Companion Animal Nutrition, 15 July 1993, Butterworthâ€"Heinemann, 136pp, ISBN 0-08-040843-5
  • The Waltham Book of Human Animal Interaction, 30 September 1995,Butterworthâ€"Heinemann , 148pp, ISBN 0-08-042284-5 HC 0-08-042285-3 PB
  • Waltham pocket book of essential nutrition for cats and dogs. 2nd edition, 2012
  • Waltham pocket book of human animal interactions, 2012
  • Waltham pocket book of puppy nutrition and care, 2012
  • Waltham pocket book of healthy weight maintenance for cats and dogs, 2010


source : twitter.com

Waltham houses and cares for around 150 dogs, 230 cats and 250 birds. Many of the companion animals involved with the organisation are adopted after a period of time. The UK headquarters of Mars was built next to the Centre in 1981.


source : www.thecatstore.co.uk

Additional reading

source : www.dogspot.in

  • The Times, 1 November 1997, page 16
  • The Independent, 10 June 2001, page 20

External links

source : www.thecatstore.co.uk

  • Waltham

source : www.wilko.com

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