
Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

A National Research and Education Network (NREN) is a specialised internet service provider dedicated to supporting the needs of the research and education communities within a country.

It is usually distinguished by support for a high-speed backbone network, often offering dedicated channels for individual research projects.

NRENs are usually the places where new Internet protocols and architectures are introduced before deployment within the Public Internet. Two examples of these protocols are IPv6 and IP multicast. Two examples of architecture are client/server and Cloud computing.

In recent years NRENs have also developed many 'above the net' services. National Identity federations, many of which are represented in REFEDs, are one example of such services.

List of NRENs by geographic area

source : www.mcnc.org

East and Southern Africa

  • UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking - the Alliance of NRENs of East and Southern Africa
  • Eb@le - DRC NREN
  • EthERNet - Ethiopian NREN
  • iRENALA - Malagasy NREN
  • KENET - Kenyan NREN
  • MAREN - Malawian NREN
  • MoRENet - Mozambican NREN
  • RENU - Ugandan NREN
  • RwEdNet - Rwanda NREN
  • SomaliREN - Somali NREN
  • SudREN - Sudanese NREN
  • TENET/SANReN - South African NREN
  • TERNET - Tanzanian NREN
  • Xnet - Namibian NREN
  • ZAMREN - Zambian NREN

North Africa

  • TUREN - Tunisian NREN
  • MARWAN - Moroccan NREN
  • ENREN - Egyptian NREN
  • ARN - Algerian NREN
  • SudREN - Sudanese NREN

West and Central Africa

  • WACREN - West and Central African Research and Education Network
  • GARNET - Ghanaian NREN
  • MaliREN - Mali NREN
  • Niger-REN - Nigerien NREN
  • RITER - Côte d'Ivoire NREN
  • SnRER - Senegalese NREN
  • NgREN - Nigerian NREN

Indian Subcontinent

  • AfgREN - Afghanistan NREN
  • BDREN - Bangladeshi NREN
  • ERNET - Indian NREN
  • NKN - Indian NREN
  • NREN - Nepal NREN
  • PERN - Pakistani NREN
  • LEARN - Sri Lankan NREN

Asia Pacific

  • APAN - Asia-Pacific Advanced Network
  • AARNet - Australian NREN
  • AfgREN - Afghanistan NREN
  • HARNET - Hong Kong NREN
  • KOREN - Korean NREN
  • KREONET- Korean NREN
  • INHERENT - Indonesian NREN
  • SINET - Japanese NREN
  • MYREN - Malaysian NREN
  • REANNZ - New Zealand NREN
  • PREGINET - Philippine NREN
  • SingAREN - Singaporean NREN
  • TWAREN - Taiwanese NREN
  • UniNet - Thai NREN
  • VinaRen - Vietnamese NREN
  • CamREN- Cambodia NREN
  • TEIN - Trans Eurasia Information Network

North America

  •  United States
  •  Canada

Latin America

  • RedCLARA - Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas (Association of Latin American NRENs)
  • Innova-Red - Argentinian NREN
  • ADSIB - Bolivian NREN
  • RNP - Brazilian NREN
  • REUNA - Chilean NREN
  • RENATA - Colombian NREN
  • RedCONARE - Costa Rican NREN
  • CEDIA - Ecuadorian NREN
  • RAICES - El Salvadoran NREN
  • RAGIE - Guatemalan NREN
  • Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) - Honduran NREN
  • CUDI - Mexican NREN
  • RENIA - Nicaraguan NREN
  • RedCyT - Panamanian NREN
  • Arandu - Paraguayan NREN
  • RAAP - Peruvian NREN
  • RAU - Uruguayan NREN
  • REACCIUN CNTI?- Venezuelan NREN


  • C@ribNET - Caribbean NREN
  • TTRENT - Trinidad and Tobago NREN
  • JREN - Jamaica NREN
  • RADEI - NREN of the Dominican Republic


  • GÉANT - Develops and maintains the GÉANT backbone network on behalf of European NRENs. Formerly DANTE and TERENA.
  • CEENet - Central and Eastern European Research Networking Association [1]
  • Eumedconnect - South Mediterranean Backbone
  • ANA Albanian NREN
  • ASNET-AM - Armenian NREN
  • ACOnet - Austrian NREN
  • AzScienceNet Azerbaijan NREN
  • BASNET - Belarus NREN
  • Belnet - Belgian NREN
  • BREN - Bulgarian NREN
  • CESNET - Czech NREN
  • CARNet - Croatian NREN
  • CYNET - Cypriot NREN
  • SURFnet - Dutch NREN
  • EENet - Estonian NREN
  • RENATER - French NREN
  • Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN) - German NREN
  • GRENA - Georgian NREN
  • GRNET - Greek NREN
  • HEAnet - Irish NREN
  • GARR - Italian NREN
  • KazRENA - Kazakhstan NREN
  • SigmaNet - Latvian NREN
  • LITNET - Lithuanian NREN
  • RESTENA - Luxembourg NREN
  • MARNET - Macedonian NREN
  • UoM-CSC - Maltese NREN
  • RENAM - Moldovian NREN
  • MREN - Montenegro NREN
  • PIONIER (PSNC) - Polish NREN
  • FCCN - Portuguese NREN
  • RoEduNet - Romanian NREN
  • RUNNet - Russian NREN
  • AMRES - Serbian NREN
  • ARNES - Slovenian NREN
  • SANET - Slovakian NREN
  • RedIRIS - Spanish NREN
  • SWITCH - Swiss NREN
  • ULAKBIM - Turkish NREN
  • URAN - Ukrainian NREN
  • Janet - United Kingdom NREN

Nordic countries

  • NORDUnet - Nordic backbone network
    • DeIC - Danish NREN
    • FUNET - Finnish NREN
    • RHnet - Icelandic NREN
    • SUNET - Swedish NREN
    • UNINETT - Norwegian NREN

Middle East

  • Eumedconnect - Mediterranean/North African Backbone
  • OMREN Omani NREN
  • IUCC - Israeli NREN
  • JUnet Jordanian NREN
  • PALNREN Palestinian NREN
  • Lebanon
  • Birzeit Uni/AlQuds Palestinian Authority
  • QNREN - Qatar NREN
  • HIAST Syrian NREN

Central Asia

  • RUNNet RIPN RBnet- Russian University Network, Russian NREN
  • ASNET-AM - Armenian
  • AzRENA - Azerbaijan
  • GRENA - Georgian NREN
  • KazRENA - Kazakhstan NREN
  • KRENA - Kyrgyzian NREN
  • TuRENA - Turkmenistan NREN
  • UZSCINET - Uzbekistan NREN


source : itre.ncsu.edu

  • Information superhighway
  • vBNS


source : investigates.shaunod.us

External links

source : www.publiceducation.org

  • Overview of Uzbekistan NREN (UZSCINet) in CEENGINE newsletter [2]
  • Overview of Ukrainian NRENs (URAN & UARNET) in CEENGINE newsletter [3]
  • Overview of Albanian NREN (ANA-AL) in CEENGINE newsletter [4]
  • Overview of Bulgarian NREN (BREN) in CEENGINE newsletter [5]
  • Signing of Trinidad and Tobago NREN (TTRENT) in Trinidad Guardian newspaper
  • [6]

Annual Compendiums

  • Terena Compendium

Further reading and case studies

  • Research and Education Networking FAQ
  • India - High Performance Computing Networks & NRENS.pdf
  • Digital Divide & REN, Case of Bangladesh

source : fscdr.org

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