Co-operative Bank Ltd. (CB Bank) (Burmese: သမá€á€«á€šá€™á€˜á€á€ºá€œá€®á€™á€á€á€€á€º) is one of the largest private banks in Myanmar. The CB Bank was established on 21 August 1992 with the permission of the Central Bank of Myanmar. The CB Bank's head office is located in the Botahtaung township area of Yangon. CB Bank has 183 local branches which offers a range of banking services in consumer banking and business banking. CB Bank launched the first ATM in Myanmar on 1 November 2011. The bank named the ATM service as EASI Banking. The bank has the largest network of ATM (525) and Foreign Exchange Counters (73) in Myanmar.
External links
- Official website