
Rabu, 08 November 2017

A knowledge deity is a deity in mythology associated with knowledge, wisdom, or intelligence.

African mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Anansi the spider, trickster and spirit of all stories, best known from Akan and Ashanti folklore; according to some tales, also creator of the sun, moon and stars, and teacher of agriculture to humans
  • Orunmila, Orisha of wisdom, knowledge, and divination

Armenian mythology

source : proto-knowledge.blogspot.com

  • Tir, the god of written language, schooling, rhetoric, wisdom, and the arts.

Caribbean mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Papa Legba, loa of speech, communication, understanding, and guardian of the crossroads

Celtic mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Ogma, a figure from Irish and Scottish mythology, said to have invented the Ogham alphabet
  • Lugh, a figure from Irish mythology, said to be skilled in all arts.
  • Brighid

Chinese mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Wenchang Wang, the god of literature and scholarship.
  • Manjushri, the bodhisttava of wisdom
  • Kong Zi, the sage of education and culture
  • Lao Zi, the god of wisdom
  • Lü Dongbin, the patron of scholars
  • Bao Zheng, the star of scholars
  • Guan Yu, the god of military scholars

Egyptian mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Neith, goddess sometimes associated with wisdom.
  • Thoth, originally a moon deity, later became god of wisdom and scribe of the gods.
  • Sia, the deification of wisdom.
  • Seshat, goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing. Scribe of the gods. Credited with the invention of writing and the alphabet. Later demoted in pantheon of Egyptian deities to consort of Thoth.
  • Isis, goddess of wisdom, magic, health and marriage.
  • Serapis, god of fertility, healing and the afterlife.

Etruscan mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Menerva, goddess of wisdom.

Gnostic mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Sophia, feminine personification of divine wisdom

Greek mythology

source : www.pinterest.com

  • Apollo, Olympian god of light, music, poetry, knowledge, and the sun.
  • Athena, Olympian goddess of wisdom, architecture, art, war strategy, and civilization
  • Coeus, Titan of intellect
  • Hephaestus, Olympian god of inventing and fire
  • Hermes, Olympian psychopomp and god of wisdom, heraldry, trickery, omens, language, education, thievery, luck, rustic poetry, animal fables, trade, travel, and athletics
  • Metis, Oceanid of wisdom and wise counsel
  • Muses, personifications of knowledge, wisdom and the arts
  • Prometheus, Titan of forethought
  • Phoebe, Titan of prophecy
  • Hecate, Goddess of sorcery, magic, witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, prophecy, fire, light, crossroads, darkness, night, the moon, wilderness, and dogs

Hindu mythology

  • Indra, king of the heavens.
  • Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, creativity and speech.
  • Ganesha, god of intellect and wisdom.
  • Hayagriva, god of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Brahma, god of creativity and wisdom.

Hittite mythology

  • A'as, god of wisdom.
  • Kamrusepa

Japanese mythology

  • Fukurokuju, god of wisdom and longevity.
  • Kuebiko, scarecrow god of wisdom and agriculture.
  • Omoikane, Shinto god of wisdom and intelligence.
  • Tenjin, god of scholarship.
  • Benzaiten, a Japanese form of Saraswati, goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music and by extension, knowledge

Mesopotamian mythology

  • Al-Kutbay, Nabataean god of knowledge, commerce, writing, and prophecy.
  • Enki, god of intelligence, crafts, mischief, water and creation.
  • Nabu, Babylonian god of wisdom and writing.
  • Nidaba, Sumerian goddess of writing, learning, and the harvest.

Muisca mythology

  • Bochica, messenger god of knowledge

Norse mythology

  • TÄ«waz/Týr, "Týr, known for his great wisdom and courage".
  • Odin, the ruler of Asgard, who sacrificed his eye and was hung for nine days from the world tree Yggdrasil in order to gain the wisdom of the ages.
  • Mímir, a god renowned for his knowledge and wisdom; Odin is advised by his severed head.
  • Sága, goddess of wisdom.
  • Vör, goddess associated with wisdom.
  • Snotra, goddess associated with wisdom.
  • Gefjon, goddess of knowledge, chastity and agriculture.
  • Kvasir, god of wisdom and poetry.
  • Bragi, god of knowledge, poetry, and music.

Persian mythology

  • Anahita, goddess of 'the Waters' (Aban) - fertility, healing and wisdom.
  • Ahura Mazda, Zoroastrian god of light, benevolence, creation, truth, and perfect wisdom

Polynesian mythology

  • Anulap, god of magic and knowledge.
  • Eijebong

Roman mythology

  • Egeria, water nymph who gives wisdom and prophecy in return for libations of water or milk at her sacred grove.
  • Fabulinus, the god who teaches children to speak.
  • Minerva, goddess of wisdom and the Roman equivalent of Athena.
  • Apollo, Greco-Roman god of light, knowledge, intellect, and the sun.
  • Providentia, goddess of forethought.

Slavic mythology

  • Gamayun - symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

Turco-Mongol mythology

  • Mergen - Turkic deity of abundance and wisdom. Mergen symbolizes intelligence and thought.


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