Table of the traditional numerals
Common counters by category
This is a selective list of some of the more commonly used counting words.
Extended list of counters
This list also includes some counters and usages that are rarely used or not widely known; other words can also be used as counters more sporadically.
Euphonic changes
Systematic changes occur when particular numbers precede counters that begin with certain phonemes. For example, ä¸ ichi + å kai â' ä¸å ikkai, å roku + å¹ hiki â' å å¹ roppiki. The details are listed in the table below.
These changes are followed fairly consistently but exceptions and variations between speakers do exist. Where variations are common, more than one alternative is listed.
JÅ« is replaced by either ju- or ji- (ãã ã£/ãã£) followed by a doubled consonant before the voiceless consonants as shown in the table. Ji- is the older form, but it has been replaced by ju- in the speech of recent generations.
* But when counting number of days rather than days of the month, ichinichi is used. Ippi is also heard.
** Both 幾人 ikunin and ä½äºº nannin are used to mean "how many people".
*** In remote rural areas (e.g. Northern Honshu and Eastern Hokkaido) older speakers might use yottari.
Ordinal numbers
Periods of time
See also
- Japanese units
- Measure words
- Chinese classifier
External links
- - Counters
- A list of numeral counters with ichi/hito set indicated.