
Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

This is a list of animals that live in the Galápagos Islands.



  • Galápagos fur seal
  • Galápagos rice rat
  • Galápagos sea lion
  • Hoary bat
  • Eastern red bat, Galapagos subspecies


  • Galápagos tortoise
  • Green sea turtle
  • Marine iguana
  • Galápagos land iguana
  • Lava lizard


  • American flamingo
  • American yellow warbler
  • Blue-footed booby
  • Brown noddy
  • Brown pelican
  • Cattle egret
  • Darwin's finches
  • Galápagos dove
  • Galápagos flycatcher
  • Galápagos hawk
  • Galápagos penguin
  • Great blue heron
  • Great egret
  • Great frigatebird
  • Lava gull
  • Lava heron
  • Magnificent frigatebird
  • Nazca booby
  • Red-billed tropicbird
  • Red-footed booby
  • Striated heron
  • Swallow-tailed gull
  • Waved albatross
  • Yellow-crowned night heron


  • Galapagos damsel
  • Scalloped hammerhead shark
  • Whitetip reef shark
  • Red-lipped or Galápagos batfish
  • Spotted eagle ray
  • Golden cownose ray
  • Razor surgeon fish
  • King angelfish
  • Galapagos reef fish


Beetles â€" Coleoptera

Some 200 beetle species are found in the Galápagos, including:

  • Stenodontes molarius
  • Calosoma
  • Trox suberosus
  • Gersteckeria
  • Cincindela

Ants, bees and wasps â€" Hymenoptera

There are about twenty native ant species, a few wasps and only one bee in the Galápagos, including:

  • Carpenter ant (Camponotus sp.)
  • The introduced little fire ant (Wasmannia auropunctata))
  • Carpenter bee (Xylocopa darwini)

Butterflies and moths â€" Lepidoptera

Eight species of butterfly and many species of moth are known from the Galápagos.

  • Galápagos sulphur butterfly (Phoebis sennae marcellina)
  • Galápagos silver fritillary (Agraulis vanillae galapagensis)
  • Painted ladies (Two species, V. carye and V. virginensis)
  • Monarch butterfly
  • Queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus)
  • Galápagos blue butterfly (Leptodes parrhasioides)
  • Large-tailed skipper (Urbanus dorantes)
  • Green hawkmoth (Eumorpha labruscae)
  • Hawkmoth (Hyles lineata florilega)
  • Hawkmoth (Manduca rustica calapagensis)
  • Footmen moths (Utethesia spp.)
  • Noctuid moth (Ascalapha odorata)
  • Atteva sp.

Grass insects

  • Praying mantis (Galapagia solitaria)
  • Grasshoppers, locusts, katydids and cricketsâ€"Orthoptera

Other arthropods

  • Galápagos scorpion (Centruroides exsul)
  • Common yellow scorpion (Hadruroides lunatus)
  • Several species of centipedes, including (Scolopendra galapagensis)
  • Sally lightfoot crab (Grapsus grapsus)

Over fifty species of spiders, including the giant crab spider (Heteropoda venatoria), the smaller Selenops, the endemic Lathrodectes apicalis, Argiope argentata and Neoscona oaxacensis (syn. N. cooksoni)

References and sources

  • "Galapagos Species Checklist". Retrieved 17 August 2014. 
  • "About Galapagos Animals". Retrieved 17 August 2014. 
  • "Lecture, John Merck, The terrestrial community". Retrieved 14 January 2015. 
  • "TerraQuest - Virtual Galápagos: Wildlife - Island Life - Insects". Retrieved 14 January 2015. 
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