
Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

This is a partial list of symbols and labels used by political parties and groups around the world. Some symbols are associated with a worldwide ideology or movement, and used by many different parties that support that ideology. Other are country-specific.



  • Black â€" anarchism, fascism, people of African descent
  • Blue â€" conservatism, Judaism, men, American progressivism
  • Brown â€" Nazism, fascism, people of Latin American origin
  • Gold â€" capitalism, right-libertarianism
  • Green â€" environmentalism, Islam, capitalism, agrarianism
  • Lavender â€" homosexuality, transgenderism
  • Orange â€" Christian democracy, populism, mutualist anarchism
  • Pink â€" homosexuality, feminism, women, social democracy
  • Purple â€" centrism, monarchism or royalism
  • Red â€" democratic socialism, socialism, communism, American conservatism, social democracy
  • Saffron â€" Hindu nationalism
  • White â€" monarchism, pacifism, (with violet) asexuality, people of European descent, anti-communism, Italian Christian democracy
  • Yellow â€" liberalism, libertarianism, East Asian people


  • Deep Sky Blue â€" Indian National Congress
  • Red â€" Left Front
  • Saffron â€" Bharatiya Janata Party
  • White â€" other parties and independents.


  • Blue - Fine Gael
  • Red - Labour Party
  • Green - Fianna Fáil
  • Dark green - Sinn Féin
  • Purple - Social Democrats

United Kingdom

  • Blue - Conservative Party
  • Red - Labour Party
  • Amber - Lib Dems
  • Yellow - SNP
  • Green - Green Party
  • Purple - UKIP

United States

  • Red â€" Republican Party; Socialist Workers Party; Socialist Alternative Party; Party for Socialism and Liberation; Socialist Party USA and Communist Party USA
  • Blue â€" Democratic Party
    • Blue and buff â€" Modern Whig Party, colours used by the whiggamores
    • Dark blue â€" one of the official colors of the Justice Party
  • Green â€" Green Party
  • Purple â€" politically mixed or moderate regions; Constitution Party, Veterans Party of America
  • White or grey â€" senior citizens, third parties (other than the Greens), independent candidates and voters
  • Yellow with dark grey, sometimes gold with dark blue or purple â€" Libertarian Party



  • Red flag â€" socialism and communism
  • Red star â€" marxism and communism
  • Hammer and sickle â€" marxism-leninism and communism
  • Red Rose â€" social democracy and democratic socialism
  • Circumscribed A â€" anarchism
  • Letter V â€" voluntarism (anarchocapitalism)
  • Fasces â€" fascism
  • Swastika â€" national-socialism/nazism
  • Celtic cross â€" white nationalism, neo-nazism
  • Crown â€" monarchism
  • Bird in flight (mostly dove)â€" liberalism, libertarianism
  • Antifascist Circle â€" mid 20th century European social democracy and anti-fascists
  • Sunflower â€" Green politics
  • Eagle â€" nationalism, patriotism, conservativism
  • Christian cross â€" Christian theocracy


  • Red Star â€" Workers' Party (Brazil)
  • Toucan â€" Brazilian Social Democracy Party


  • letter C â€" Colombian Conservative Party
  • letter L â€" Colombian Liberal Party
  • letter U â€" Social National Unity Party ("Party of the U")


  • letter A â€" Social Democrats
  • letter B â€" Social Liberal Party
  • letter C â€" Conservative People's Party
  • letter F â€" Socialist People's Party
  • letter I â€" Liberal Alliance
  • letter K â€" Christian Democrats
  • letter N â€" People's Movement against the EU
  • letter O â€" Danish People's Party
  • letter Ø â€" Red-Green Alliance
  • letter V â€" Venstre, Liberal Party of Denmark



  • Ostriches â€" Social Democratic Movement of Pakistan
  • Cricket Bat â€" Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf
  • Arrow â€" Pakistan Peoples Party
  • Sunflower â€" Green Party of Pakistan
  • Tiger â€" Pakistan Muslim League (N)
  • Balance â€" Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan (JI)
  • Book - Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI)
  • Kite - Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)


  • Flying dove â€" Free Forum
  • Stork â€" Christian Democratic Movement
  • Christian cross â€" Christian Democratic Movement
  • Red Star â€" Communist Party of Slovakia
  • Eagle â€" Slovak National Party
  • Blue cube â€" Slovak Democratic and Christian Union â€" Democratic Party
  • Letter S â€" People's Party â€" Movement for a Democratic Slovakia

United Kingdom

  • Red Rose â€" Labour Party
  • Scribbled Oak Tree â€" Conservative Party
  • Welsh Dragon â€" Former logo of Plaid Cymru; also appeared alongside the thistle, daffodil and clover leaf on the post-war Tory logo
  • Stylised P-shaped Flag â€" Pirate Party UK
  • Pound sign â€" UK Independence Party
  • Saltire â€" the Scottish National Party and Scottish Conservative Party both use stylised saltires in their party logos
  • Sunflower â€" Scottish Green Party
  • Torch â€" Former logo of the Labour Party (1920s to 1983) and the Conservative Party (1980s to 2006).
  • Union Flag â€" Used in the logos of the Ulster Unionist Party, Democratic Unionist Party, British National Party, Conservative Party (traditional), amongst others
  • Welsh Poppy â€" Plaid Cymru
  • Liberty Bird â€" Liberal Democrats
  • White Rose - Logo of Yorkshire First, symbol of Yorkshire as a whole

United States


External links and references

  • Emblems and logos for registered political parties in Great Britain
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