
Senin, 17 Juli 2017

BMCE Bank (Acronym in French: Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur) is a large commercial bank in Morocco. According to the company's website, it operates over 697 branches in Morocco alone. and 560 branches in Africa . BMCE has offices in France, Spain, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Germany, UAE, Belgium, Canada and Netherlands.

The bank's stock is listed on the Bourse de Casablanca, or the Casablanca Stock Exchange.

Related organizations Members of the BMCE Group include:

  • BMCE Bank
  • BMCE Bank International â€" international business
  • BMCE Capital â€" investment banking
  • RMA Watanya â€" insurance
  • Meditel â€" telecom
  • Medi 1 â€" radio station
  • Bank of Africa â€" bank holding company
  • Maghrebail â€" leasing
  • FinanceCom â€" holding company


source : themiddleeastineurope.net

External links

source : www.alamy.com

  • Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur Exterieur
  • Currency Exchange Practices at Moroccan Banks

source : moroccotraveldirectory.com

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